Wednesday, 24 January 2018

The story of Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam).

Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) was the son of Hazrat Dawud (Alayhi As-Salaam).Hazrat Dawud (Alayhi As-Salaam) was also a Prophet and a king. Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) had some special abilities. You’ll be amazed to know that he understood the language of all birds and could also speak to them.

Allah Taala had blessed him abundantly to rule his kingdom. He had huge armies of jinn, men, birds, wild animals along with immense knowledge of many other things.

One day Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) was walking towards a valley with his huge army. Upon seeing the huge army entering the valley, an ant screamed and warned other ants of their arrival. She told them to move away and go to their homes, so that they don’t get stepped upon by them. Hazrat  Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) was amused on hearing this. He thanked Allah Taala for granting him special ability to understand the silent creatures.

He made dua. In this dua he asks Allah Taala to enable him to thank Allah Taala for his favours on him and his parents and also enable him to do good deeds that please Allah Taala and make him among his righteous slaves.

This should be our attitude when Allah Taala blesses us with good things. Hazrat  Sulaiman (AlayhiAs-Salaam) was always thankful to Allah Taala and an obedient Muslim.

Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) also had a hoopoe bird in his army. One day Hoopoe informed him that a place called Sheba was being ruled by a Queen called Belqis. The Queen was very rich and had a precious throne made of pearls and gold. But she and her people did not worship Allah Taala. Instead they worshipped Sun which is created by Allah Taala. Devil had fooled them into thinking that Sun is their God.

Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) was angry with this and wanted to guide them to straight path: the path of Islam where we worship AllahTaala alone. He sent a letter to them inviting them to become Muslims.

On receiving the letter, Queen Belqis sent Hazrat Sulaiman (AlayhiAs-Salaam) a gift to bribe him and to make friendship. But Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) refused this offer as he was a Prophet of Allah Taala and could not tolerate their association of partners with Allah Taala.

He sent a threat to them that if they do not become Muslims, he will send a huge army against them and destroy them. The Queen surrendered on receiving this warning as she knew very well that she would be defeated by the huge army of Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam).

Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) ordered one of the jinns to bring Queen’s throne to his palace before she comes to him. A jinn brought the throne in the time it takes to wink even though the two kingdoms were very far from each other.

Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) changed some ornaments of the throne. When the Queen reached his palace to surrender herself, Hazrat  Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) asked her if she could recognise her throne. She was not able to recognise her own throne because it was changed a little bit and also she could not believe how it could have reached from her palace to here.

Hazrat Sulaiman’s majestic palace was made of crystal glass. And there were water streams all over with lots of fishes in it. You can imagine it as an aquarium. When Queen Bilqis was entering it, she mistook it for a pool and uncovered her legs. But she was told that it is crystal glass and not a pool.

Hazrat Sulaiman (Alayhi As-Salaam) married her and let her rule Yemen.....

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